Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Every Beginning Has An Ending

I just wanted to say that Block 3 has been the best experience for me. I got to know a great good of future teachers and already teachers. You have changed how I view everything, myself, others, and teaching. Without everyone that I met this semester I dont think I would be as ready to enter the teaching world. I cant explain what everyone has done for me. Long Live This Crazy Beautiful Block 3 Memories!

Cause and Effect

I was working one on one with a student the other day. She has trouble with identifing cause and effect. How I thought she might see the direct corrolation between cause and effect is labeling them. We read through a book after a discussion on cause and effect. While reading she would read a few pages and then stop and think about if there was a cause and then what would the effect have been. In the book she labled each. Then we had a discussion on why she choose those and then would continue reading. This was done through the whole book. At the end we got to do a worksheet where she was given the causes from the book. Some where the ones she had already found but some where more broad causes so she had to think about them more. The labling helped her to look back and think about why certain things happened because of a cause. This was a fun way to get the student actively reading and making her think more critically about the book.

Setting the Stage for Success

Setting your classroom can aid in the success your students have in the classroom. Making sure the the students can see you, or important areas, and clearly hear you is important for everyday learning. The I like the idea of puting the desk into groups this way discussion and grouping can be easier for all involved. Having visual aids around the room can be little reminders for the student however you dont want your room to become cluttered. Having a room that is clean and students can easily get to things is important. That helps the teachers and the students. By having everything in a place allows the students to get some of their own materials and help take care of the room. Creating active members in taking care of the room. Everything you put into your room and how you put it should have a tought behind it and how it helps you and the students.

Talent shows

I used to think talent shows were pointless and there was no need for them in a classroom. However after doing one now I see that they can be a great way to get to know people on different levels. You can find out things about a person you never knew. I was going to do a cheer but then with some encouragement I decided to show the class something they didnt know about me which is my drawings. I have been with these people for years now and they never even knew I did any of that. So it really can bring out more understanding in a classroom. This can help to build community and show people even more about yourself. This can also build connections between people. Talent shows can really change how people see another person.

Adding the Arts

Its important to add arts into students learning. Student need an outlet to express themselves that they might not get to do anywhere else. This should let the students let out emotions. This can be an easy task if you know how to do it. It can also help further the discussion of a concept. I love the idea of doing a play. Plays can help students really look at a book further then just reading it. This get the students thinking. When doing the play if the teacher stops them and ask how their character is feeling or whats going to happen next can really open up the students eyes. This will drive the disussion into deeper thoughts and feelings. Arts can be many different things, music,drama, drawing, painting, any way that expresses something. The arts I feel really open up the doors for learning.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Decades Project

I never thought that researching different aspects of a decade could be so fun. I have been getting so excited mostly for dressing up like the 60's but also looking at what everyone else wears. I got to research the entertainment aspect of the 60's. I looked at the music, movies, tv, and books. The thing I found really interesting is that most of the entertainment that was popular back then is still popular today. I can remember watching tv shows like Gilligan Island, The Adams family, and the the classics. The music I still enjoy today like many others. The Beatles, The Supremes and The Temptations to name a few of the many I love. These all might be classics but they have stood the test of time. I had no clue that most of those where from the 60's but im happy i know that know. This makes me what to look at other decades. It's a great way to get students excited to learn about a time in our history and to make connections. This will get students engaged and excited to learn.