Thursday, January 24, 2013

Artifacts of Your Life

Artifacts. What would artifacts from your life say about you if someone where to see them. In class we got to see how it would feel. I had brought some money from Mexico, a paint brush, a ring with my birthstone in it, a cheer bow, and a jewelry box my sister gave me. However finding things that would describe me the best was actually a lot harder then I would have thought. I had to take a moment and think " Who am I?" . Its a hard question and its also hard to find objects that can describe that. The class got to go around and look at others artifacts and it really helped me see what is important to those people and learn a little more about them. However those things don't define the whole person and there is much more still to know about. Thinking about how researchers look back at accent artifacts its hard not to think of the things that aren't being seen, the stories no one will ever hear, and the lives that had come before. We only get to see an glimpse and the rest is and will mostly likely always be a mystery.
What would you want found to explain your life?

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